Monday, April 19, 2010

Looking beyond the horizen...

Today Was AMAZING!!! I was sent on a scavenger hunt by the love of my life that lead me from one place to another... clues were left for me to decipher so that I could move on to the next step. I find it ironic yet thrilling how this concept is the same as what the Lord has been doing for me all the long! I was never much of a believer until now. I have been lead from one place in my life to another, finding clues (blessings in disguise) that are leading me to the ultimate gift! Like today I realised that sometimes it takes a double look at the true meaning of the clues that have been left for us to find. Too many times in the past have I ignored the underlined message or just looked at the surface, but today I learned to look beyond the horizon. After a fun search I was lead to a small clearing where my love stepped out from behind the trees and dropped to one knee... changing my pace from walking (more like skipping) to a full on run towards the man of my dreams whom was holding a little white box. I proceeded in my course of action and in the process I literally ran him over!!! (Excitement was poring from every inch of my being, i could not contain it any longer!) My bad!!! LOL We then went to my favorite restaurant that was open only for us and had the best meal ever!!! As I looked out the window at the sunset and the amazing view in the horizon, I saw a light skiff of clouds that almost looked like a path or a ladder that winded towards the heavens. As I looked past the horizon I realised that God was showing me that I was on the right path, and that I was working my way to be closer to him!
In a letter i wrote to a friend that is struggling with his faith and standing in the same cross roads that I once stood in, I said this: My life has been so clouded by the constant negativity that has burdened my life for so long, and by taking my little road trip and leaving behind everything, and I mean everything, I was granted the clarity to see past the horizon and realize that my trials have made me stronger then I ever thought I was. It has taken me 5 years of physical pain, heart ache, wrong choices, trial and error, and much more... before I was able to understand the hidden messages and lessons that I was supposed to learn. I still feel scared of what the future holds for me, and I don't feel that I am all that worthy to receive the blessings that have been given to me but I need to quit judging my self from my past and and let God judge me for what he sees in me!
Dreams do come true! My son will have a father, I will have a loving husband, we will have a perfect family, and the best part is we will bea sealed together for all of time and eternity! Thank you Lord!!!

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