Sunday, April 11, 2010

The little things...

I find it ironic when people say this to me... "Its the little things that add up" ... Why... because this true statement can be used to describe both negative and positive things that do eventually add up. I am all for the good little things that add up but its the negative ones that come back to haunt you later in life! Like last nights dinner... (darn you prepackaged food!) The real question is... now that the little things have added up and have become rather large... What do you do with it?
The Positive: Take it... be happy... and just run with it... (as long as its not a pointy object you should be OK)
The negative: its like playing Jenga... in order to sort through it all, you have to take out the pieces one at a time and in the rite order, or it all comes crashing down on ya... (Warning! Thought the whole point of the game is to have it crash on someone, while you role around on the floor laughing to the point of a near peeing the pants incident... Its not fun when its real life and those once was little, now BIG things come barreling down upon you like a freight train with no breaks....)
The trick is to deal with those little things when they are little... because if you don't... it almost has the same effect as breading dust bunnies... before you know it there is a gajillion of them running rampid, before you can say Evil Shenanigans!

Well I get to go play Jenga while running with scissors and trying to evict the colony of dust bunnies before they take over my house and eat my Lucky Charms!

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